Let’s Talk.
Fostering a community of learning starts with a conversation.
Want to submit to The Reader?
Go for it: we welcome previously unpublished works and accept research, poetry, book reviews, interviews, visual art, podcasts, nonfiction commentary, and more. Send us anything that might be of interest to arts and culture funders, organizers, and advocates.
Be sure to view our complete submission rules here before submitting.
Have a question or an idea? Want to send a pitch to see if we are the right fit? Just send us a note!
Questions? We’ve got answers.
It’s easy — just scroll back up a bit until you find the “submit here” button to share your idea with our editors. We evaluate submissions on a rolling basis. Heads up: pieces that address a specific focus area or are related to one of our Special Series themes are more likely to be published, however, the process can still take a while…so thank you in advance for your patience.
It’s easy! — You can subscribe to our mailing list to receive biweekly snapshots right to your inbo
If you’re looking for a previously published piece, don’t worry. All of our issues published between 2018-2021 are available on this site, here, and are searchable by author, title, or theme. For content published prior to 2018, please visit the full GIA Reader Library.
If you are hiring to fill a role or looking to share a request for proposals with the GIA membership, please submit your information via the submission form right above — just select the JOB or RFP category when you do. And be sure to include the deadline to help our team know when to publish it! Please note that job openings without a numerical salary or salary range will not be published.
Yes! If you’re curious about GIA’s other programs, webinars, and workshops — or just want to learn more about membership eligibility — you can visit our membership page for more details.