Dearborn, Michigan

City of Middle Seas

by Zania Berri

in a city of the middle seas

so many faces go unseen

hidden behind their unsung songs

and hellos and so longs

where is the place where they can roam free

sing, dance, and share fully

has it always been hidden underneath

unraveling piece by piece?

is it in their smiles or their tears?

fading slowly year by year

where is the place in the city of the middle seas

where they find who they are and who they want to be


Zaina Berri is a Lebanese-American artist. She served as one of five artist researcher partners in ThirdSpace’s Storied Communities, Community Stories project. Raised by a single, first-generation immigrant Lebanese mother, Zaina has been writing songs since she was nine years old. Her work has been profiled in publications like Live in the D, The National Post United Kingdom, and Press & Guide


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